
Swaying for a girl; No More Control Freak

I have 4 boys and according to Gender Dreaming Essay on Maternal Dominance Theory , I am 100% boy mom. I have spent most of my married life with the idea that if I don't do [insert cleaning or organizing thing here], it won't get done. Of course that is not 100% true. There are many things my husband does; it is just that he does in his own timing and his own way. And often when he feels like it is his own idea ;) lol In order to stop being a 'control freak', and sway pink, I've wrestled with this theory. Do I need to remind my husband he needs to do what I ask vs what he feels like he needs to be doing? Yes! Do I need to realize that not everything needs to be done exactly as I say? YES!! I am working towards being a Mary when all I want to do is be Martha. (No idea what I'm babbling about? Read the Essay linked above!) COOKING My husband does much of the evening supper cooking. He enjoys it and is making a great meal to work with his diet. Off and on I g
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